
No Jtag Xbox 360 Games

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  6. Free Xbox 360 Games No Jtag

Published : 12/03/2017 17:24:52
Categories : Xbox News

What is Jtag?

A Jtag or RGH console allows you to

  • Play backup games directly from a hard disk (without a disk being in the DVD drive).

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Example of a Freestyle Dash Image of games installed
  • How to Download & Install Xbox 360 Games & Play on Xbox (NO JTAG). Download your preferred game from This game will be in ISO format. Full Download How To Get Free Xbox 360 Dlc Usb No Jtag VIDEO and Games With Gameplay Walkthrough And Tutorial Video HD.
  • Same case was here, so here is what should you do: 1. Try to purchase a game in the first two weeks of the month, the Xbox Live have a discount on a small number of games.
  • XBOX 360 GAMES JTAG/RGH. Download free all new xbox games JTAG/RGH. PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The game hits store shelves in Europe and the rest of the World on Thursday, September 29. Experience the beautiful game like never before in FIFA 17 on Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

  • Run emulators for your favourite Retro consoles like Super Nintendo, PS1 and PS2, Mame, etc.
Example of a Super Nintendo Xbox 360 Emulator
Example of a Mame - Original Arcade emulator
  • Mod Games to give you infinite money, lives etc. - like GTAV and Call of Duty
Example of a Call of Duty Mod Menu
Example of a GTAV Mod Menu
  • Multi Region game play - The mod allows you to play games from other Contries (Regions). So if you had a UK Console and wanted to play games from the USA or Japan, this is not a problem and is easily done.
  • Connect any size hard disk to your console and not have to use the standard Microsoft hard drives they released, so you can use 1, 2, 4TB hard disks.

Which is best a Jtag Xbox 360 or an RGH Xbox 360?
The fact of the matter is they are ultimately the same console. Once an RGH console has booted, then it is no difference to a standard Jtagged Xbox 360.
Jtag was possible on consoles that had a dashboard no higher than 2.0.7371.
This was because dashboards below 2.0.7371 didn't have protection within the dashboard to stop a person being able to Jtag the console. However this wasn't a simple procedure. To Jtag a console required electronic components to be soldered to the consoles main board and an alternative dashboard programmed to the consoles main board to which enabled the Jtag and fully unlocked the console.
This dashboard was nick named the 'Blade' dashboard and was the dashboard on the Xbox 360 console between 2005 - 2008.
Examples of the Blade Dash Board
Another Example

What is an RGH Console?

On dashboard higher than 2.0.7371, Microsoft added protection into the later dashboards to make it impossible to Jtag the console.
To over come the protection that was added to the later dashboards, a process called RGH (Reset Glitch Hack) was developed.
The Reset Glitch hack can be installed on any Xbox 360 console with a HDMI socket
Models its possible to install RGH on.

  • Original (must have a HDMI socket at the rear)
No Jtag Xbox 360 Games
  • Original (Phat) - Must have HDMI socket - ANY Dashboard above 2.0.7371
  • Slim - Any models can be modified - ANY Dashboard
  • 360e (Excluding the 500gb Version or MFR DATE Aug 2014 or later) - ANY Dashboard

Basically this involves/download-java-sdk-for-android-studio.html.

  • Installing a circuit board which is programmed to the model of Xbox 360 console
  • Programming the console with a new dashboard which enabled the Jtag side of the console.

The newly installed circuit board is required to override the protection installed by Microsoft to stop customers being able to run Home Brew programs, Emulators and connect un official devices

The installed circuit board generates a timing pulse which is fired at the CPU chip. If this timing pulse hits the CPU at exactly the correct time and frequency, then this makes the CPU boot the console in unprotected mode and therefore allow the booting of unofficial software.

The industry standard boot times for an RGH console range from 0 seconds - 3 minutes
Console Wizards boot times are 0 - 30 seconds - This Varies on different console models

During this time the console will power on, but not display a picture on the screen.

** Note **

A common concern from our customers is that when they power on their new RGH console, it powers on but doesn't show a picture.
Please don't worry as this is totally normal. Please see the example videos below.

A Original (phat) Jasper 512mb BB RGH modified
A Slim Xbox 360 Console we carried out the RGH modification on

Is there a difference between Jtag and RGH?

The consoles operate EXACTLY the same, so we hope this has cleared up any questions or concerns you may have?
The only difference would be when the console was updated to a newer dashboard as you would have to create the correct the correct version of dashboard for your console either JTAG or RGH.
The most common questions asked by our customers

We have compiled a list of the most common questions and concerns raised by our customers.
  • Can I take the console online ?
A modified console (JTAG or RGH) cannot directly be taken on the Xbox Live network as the console will be banned. This is due to the fact that the console allows you to modify games, so makes it unfair for games players on the Xbox Live network.
To get around this you will need to use a Stealth service to hide the fact that the console is modified. We don't have anything to do with Stealth services. You will need to use Google for help with this. One reputable service is run by Team Xecuter, the group that originally brought out the Reset Glitch Hack. Their service is called 'XBLNinja', but there are others available.
We are sorry that we cannot help with this service or give technical help or advice in setting this up on your console.
  • Can I Mod games to give my more money, infinite lives and setup Mod Menus?
Yes you can, a JTAG or RGH console can easily allow this. You will need to download and install Mod Menus for the games you want to mod. We don't install or give any help or advice in this matter, but again you will find all the help you need with this from Google, You Tube or numerous websites available.
A couple of very good sites are 'Sevensins' or 'TheTechgame', these are excellent for help and respectable.
  • Do you install software on consoles purchased or modified?
All the consoles we sell or modify for customers have the below software installed
  • Xexmenu 1.2

  • Freestyle Dash V3

Games screen layout on Freestyle dash
Freestyle Dash Setup guide - Click Here
You can setup Freestyle Dash to download the covers of the games that you have installed. This can either be in 2D or 3D as the above example.
To do this you will need to disable 'Live Strong' in Dash Launch's setup screen, this will allow you to connect to the Internet.
  • Dashlaunch
Example of the Dash Launch Setup screen (Click image to enlarge)
Dashlaunch is a superb program which allows you to modify setting within your console, you can even make your console REGION FREE to allow you to play games from other countries!!!
Every console we sell or modify has Xbox Live and the Internet blocked for the consoles safety within Dashlaunch.
If you intend to to take the console online and have setup a STEALTH service on the console to hide the fact that the console is modified, you will need to go into Dash Launch's settings (Click on the above image to see what you need to Disable) and Disable the below setting (which be default are enabled).
  • Live Block (this disables Xbox live connectivity)
  • Live Safe (this disabled the internet, so you will need to switch this off to download covers in Freestyle Dash)
An Explanantion of the network setting within DashLauch
Ping Patch
If enabled, ping limit will be removed for system link play. Normally, retail consoles have a 30ms ping limit for system link. With this option enabled, there is no ping limit for system linking. We use this for Xlink KAI or other system link joiners.
Sign Notice
When enabled, Dash Launch will attempt to dismiss annoying sign in notice messages. Enabling this option makes Dash Launch disable any of the sign in screens that pop up. Such as the XeX Menu sign in screen, ect.
LIVE Block
When enabled, DNS resolver blocks LIVE sites. This option blocks your console from resolving XBL DNS connections. Enabling this option blocks LIVE connection, but can still download cover art and screen shots.
LIVE Strong
Has no effect when LIVE block is disabled. When enabled with LIVE block , a more extensive list of domains are blocked than with live block alone. With this option enabled, Dash Launch prevents your console from connecting to ANY XBL domains. Period. Enabling this option blocks your console from downloading cover art and screenshots. This option has no effect if you don't have LIVE block enabled.
When enabled XHTTP is patch in XAM to allow insecure access. If you don't know what this is, don't mess with it. I'm not too sure what this does myself.
No NetStore
If enabled, cloud storage should not show up in the disk selection dialog. With this enabled, you console will not have the cloud storage as an option in the device selection dialog.
DEV Link
If enabled, system link data will be encrypted for communication with DEV kits. With this enabled, you can play system link games with people running DEV kits.
Sock Patch
Don't enable this if you don't know what it does. Don't mess with this option.
Fake Live

Xbox 360 Jtag Games Download

Don't enable this if you don't know what it does. Seriously. Fake LIVE has a massive effect on games and applications. If you don't know why you would need this, leave it disabled.

Installing Dashlaunch or changing setting (.i.e enable Live Strong and Live Block, etc)

We found a video on Youtube (credit to 'is Loony'

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) for the video guide.
The video is filmed on Dashlaunch 3.14, but this it the same for any version of Dashlaunch.
Help - I deleted all the above files from my hard disk !!!!

Accidents do happen, so we have added a link to a rescue page to enable you to download and re install all of the above software.
Click this LINK to take you to the download links.

A Quick check list of whats required if you want to
  • Mod Games - You will need to set up a Stealth Service to ensure your console doesnt get banned when you connect to Xbox Live. You will need to disable 'Live Strong' and 'Live Block' within the Dash launch setup screen (to enable connectivity to the internet).Download, Install and Setup the MOD menus you require for your games. Use Google, Youtube and websites for help with both of these. We are unable to give any help or support with either of these.
  • Take the Console Online - You will need to install a Stealth Service, details can be found with Google, a reputable service is called 'XBLNinja'. You will also need to disable 'Live Strong' and 'Live Block' within Dash Launch setup screen, this enables you to connect to the internet.

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We hope we have made things a little clearer and cleared up any questions or concerns you may have.

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